Lab 1: Intro to R and data analysis

Practice session covering topics discussed in Lecture 1

M. Chiara Mimmi, Ph.D. | Università degli Studi di Pavia

July 24, 2024


Motivate the choice of learning/using R for scientific quantitative analysis, and lay out some fundamental concepts in biostatistics with concrete R coding examples.

Lecture 1: topics

  • Introduction to R and R-studio
    • Why R?
    • Principles of reproducible analysis with R + RStudio
  • R objects, functions, packages
  • Understanding different types of variables
    • Principles of “tidy data”
  • Descriptive statistics
    • Measures of central tendency, measures of variability (or spread), and frequency distribution
  • Visual data exploration
    • {ggplot2}


R version

If you have previously installed R on your machine, you can check which version you are running by executing this command in R:

# check your R version
[1] "x86_64-apple-darwin17.0"

[1] "x86_64"

[1] "darwin17.0"

[1] "x86_64, darwin17.0"

[1] ""

[1] "4"

[1] "2.2"

[1] "2022"

[1] "10"

[1] "31"

$`svn rev`
[1] "83211"

[1] "R"

[1] "R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)"

[1] "Innocent and Trusting"
# or just


R is available for free for Windows , GNU/Linux , and macOS .

  • To install R, go to this link The latest available release is R 4.3.3 “Angel Food Cake” released on 2024-02/29, but any (fairly recent) version will do.

Install RStudio IDE

RStudio Desktop is an Integrated Development Editor (IDE), basically a graphical interface wrapping and interfacing R (which needs to be installed first).

Besides RStudio, R (which is a command line driven program) can be executed:

  • via its native interface (R GUI)
  • from many other code editors, like VS Code, Sublime Text, Jupyter Notebook

To install RStudio, go to this link The free-version contains everything you need.

Use RStudio IDE

RStudio Pane Layout Source: Posit’s RStudio User Guide

Creating an R Project [in Rstudio]

An R Project will keep all the files associated with a project (including invisible ones!) organized together – input data, R scripts, analytical results, figures. Besides being common practice, this has the advantage of implicitly setting the “working directory”, which is incredibly important when you need to load or output files, specifying their file path.

In Figure 1 you can see how easy it is just following RStudio prompts:

  • Create a new directory for each project
  • Select parent folder


Creating an R Project [in Rstudio] (cont.)

Figure 1: Creating an R project

Install R packages from CRAN (stable version)

An R package* is a shareable bundle of functions. Besides the basic built-in functions already contained in the program (i.e. the base, stats, utils packages), many useful R functions come in free libraries of code (or packages) written by R’s users. You can find them in different repositories:

To install a package use utils function install.packages("package_name)

# Installing (ONLY the 1st time)

# OR (same)

Install R packages RStudio pane

In alternative, you can install/update packages using the Packages tab on the lower right pane of RStudio.

Screenshot Install/Update pckgs from RStudio

Install R packages from GitHub (testing version)

Use install_github from the package devtools.
EXAMPLE: let’s install a little package paint (which colors the structure of dataset when printing).


# Installing devtools (ONLY the 1st time)

# Installing paint from GitHub 

# test paint out

Output {paint} function

# Structure of a data.frame 

Use R Packages

  • We will be using {base} & {utils} (pre-installed and pre-loaded)
  • We will also use the packages below (specifying package::function for clarity).
# Load pckgs for this R session
library(fs)        # file/directory interactions
library(here)      # tools find your project's files, based on working directory
library(janitor)   # tools for examining and cleaning data
library(skimr)     # tools for summary statistics 
library(dplyr)     # {tidyverse} tools for manipulating and summarising tidy data 
library(forcats)   # {tidyverse} tool for handling factors
library(ggplot2)   # {tidyverse} tools for plotting
library(ggridges)  # alternative to plot density functions 

Help on R package/function

To inquire about a package and/or its functions, you can again write in your console ?package_name or ??package_name and RStudio will open up the Help tab in the lower right pane.

# Opening Help page on package/function


File paths logistics

It is never good practice to “hard code” the file’s absolute path: most likely it will break your code as soon as you (or someone else) need to run it on a different computer, let alone within a different OS.

Let’s look at this example code using function readr::read_csv() (which reads a *.csv data file into the R workspace)

# [NOT REPRODUCIBLE] hard coding your file path  -----------------------

# File path on Mac:
dataset <- readr::read_csv("/Users/testuser/R4biostats/input_data/dataset.csv")
# Same file path on Windows:
dataset <- readr::read_csv("C:\Users\testuser\R4biostats\input_data\dataset.csv")

🙄 …it won’t work on any other computer since it won’t have that same file structure!

(Reproducible) file paths with here (in Rstudio)

The here package lets you reference file paths in a reproducible manner (anchored on the R Project’s folder as the root).

Where is my Working Directory?


You should get: “/Users/YourName/RProj_Dir”

Now, you can embed here(dir,subdir) specifications in other functions.
For example, create sub-directories (for saving input data and output data) with the fs package

## --- [check the function documentation]
# with `here` I simply add subfolder names relative to my wd 
fs::dir_create(here("practice", "data","data_input"))
# ...and a subfolder to put output files at the end
fs::dir_create(here("practice", "data","data_output"))

## --- [if I need to remove it (I have them already)]
fs::dir_delete(here("practice", "data"))


Importing data into R workspace

We use utils::read.csv to load a csv file

?read.csv # to learn about function and arguments 


We are using real data provided by Thabtah,Fadi. (2017). Autism Screening Adult. UCI Machine Learning Repository.

Option 1: Importing from a url

autism_data_url <- read.csv(
  file = "", 
  header = TRUE, # 1st line is the name of the variables
  sep = ",", # which is the field separator character.
  na.strings = c("?") # specific values R should interpret as NA

Option 2: Importing from my folder (if you previously downloaded the file)

  • here lets me specify the complete path of the destination folder


Make sure to match your own folder structure the file path here(...)!

# Check my working directory location
# here::here()

# Use `here` in specifying all the subfolders AFTER the working directory 
autism_data_file <- read.csv(
  file = here("practice", "data_input", "01_datasets", "autism_data.csv"), 
  header = TRUE, # 1st line is the name of the variables
  sep = ",", # which is the field separator character.
  na.strings = c("?"),# specific values R should interpret as NA
  row.names = NULL) 


Viewing the dataset and variables

  • Or click on the object in Environment tab (upper right pane of RStudio)
# What data type is this data?
[1] "data.frame"
# What variables are included in this dataset?
 [1] "id"              "A1_Score"        "A2_Score"        "A3_Score"       
 [5] "A4_Score"        "A5_Score"        "A6_Score"        "A7_Score"       
 [9] "A8_Score"        "A9_Score"        "A10_Score"       "age"            
[13] "gender"          "ethnicity"       "jaundice"        "autism"         
[17] "contry_of_res"   "used_app_before" "result"          "age_desc"       
[21] "relation"        "Class.ASD"      
  • Notice the variable name formatting inconsistency: Class.ASD

Manipulate / clean the dataframe

I want consistent name formatting for variables: no “.”, only “_” separator. So, I use a very handy function clean_names from the janitor package

autism_data <- janitor::clean_names(autism_data_file, 
                                     case = "none") 
# check change
 [1] "id"              "A1_Score"        "A2_Score"        "A3_Score"       
 [5] "A4_Score"        "A5_Score"        "A6_Score"        "A7_Score"       
 [9] "A8_Score"        "A9_Score"        "A10_Score"       "age"            
[13] "gender"          "ethnicity"       "jaundice"        "autism"         
[17] "contry_of_res"   "used_app_before" "result"          "age_desc"       
[21] "relation"        "Class_ASD"      
[1] 704  22
  • By default clean_names renames cols into “snake” format (i.e. “abc_xyz”)
  • The option case is for capitalization preferences
    • case = "none" leaves the case as is, but only uses “_” separator

Isolate a variable (column)

You can use the $ sign to extract a variable (column name)


Add a new column

(I prefer to rename the dataframe when I make changes)

# rename dataframe 
autism_pids <- autism_data

Create a new column, using paste (function to concatenate strings)

# create a new column 
autism_pids$pids <- paste("PatientID_" , autism_data$id, sep = "")

Check results:

# check change in df structure
 [1] "id"              "A1_Score"        "A2_Score"        "A3_Score"       
 [5] "A4_Score"        "A5_Score"        "A6_Score"        "A7_Score"       
 [9] "A8_Score"        "A9_Score"        "A10_Score"       "age"            
[13] "gender"          "ethnicity"       "jaundice"        "autism"         
[17] "contry_of_res"   "used_app_before" "result"          "age_desc"       
[21] "relation"        "Class_ASD"       "pids"           
[1] 704  22
[1] 704  23

(optional) Clean up workspace

# what do I have in the environment? 
[1] "autism_data"      "autism_data_file" "autism_pids"     
# remove all EXCEPT for "autism_pids" 
rm("autism_data", "autism_data_file", "autism_data_url" ) 

Different ways to select rows &/or columns (from base)

Option 1 Extract cols with $

  • (head only specifies to take the first 6 observations of the dataset)
# With the `$` sign I extract a variable (column name)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
[1] "PatientID_1" "PatientID_2" "PatientID_3" "PatientID_4" "PatientID_5"
[6] "PatientID_6"
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
[1] "White-European" "Latino"         "Latino"         "White-European"
[5] NA               "Others"        

Option 2a Extract cols with [,#col]

  • This is called “indexing”
# Indexing to pick `[ , #col]`  
head(autism_pids[ ,1] )# empty rows means all 
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
head(autism_pids[ ,23])
[1] "PatientID_1" "PatientID_2" "PatientID_3" "PatientID_4" "PatientID_5"
[6] "PatientID_6"
head(autism_pids[ ,2])
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
head(autism_pids[ ,14])
[1] "White-European" "Latino"         "Latino"         "White-European"
[5] NA               "Others"        

Option 2b Extract rows with [#row,]

# Indexing to pick `[#row, ]`  
head(autism_pids[1 , ] ) # empty cols means all 
  id A1_Score A2_Score A3_Score A4_Score A5_Score A6_Score A7_Score A8_Score
1  1        1        1        1        1        0        0        1        1
  A9_Score A10_Score age gender      ethnicity jaundice autism contry_of_res
1        0         0  26      f White-European       no     no United States
  used_app_before result    age_desc relation Class_ASD        pids
1              no      6 18 and more     Self        NO PatientID_1
   id A1_Score A2_Score A3_Score A4_Score A5_Score A6_Score A7_Score A8_Score
50 50        1        1        0        0        0        1        1        1
   A9_Score A10_Score age gender ethnicity jaundice autism contry_of_res
50        0         1  30      f     Asian       no     no    Bangladesh
   used_app_before result    age_desc relation Class_ASD         pids
50              no      6 18 and more     Self        NO PatientID_50
head(autism_pids[25:26 ,])
   id A1_Score A2_Score A3_Score A4_Score A5_Score A6_Score A7_Score A8_Score
25 25        1        1        1        1        0        0        0        1
26 26        0        1        1        0        0        0        0        1
   A9_Score A10_Score age gender ethnicity jaundice autism contry_of_res
25        0         0  43      m      <NA>       no     no       Lebanon
26        0         0  24      f      <NA>      yes     no   Afghanistan
   used_app_before result    age_desc relation Class_ASD         pids
25              no      5 18 and more     <NA>        NO PatientID_25
26              no      3 18 and more     <NA>        NO PatientID_26

Option 3 Extract rows & cols with [#row,#col]

# Indexing to pick `[#row, #col]`  
[1] 1 2 3
[1] "PatientID_1" "PatientID_2" "PatientID_3"
[1] 1 1 1
[1] "White-European" "Latino"         "Latino"        

What are the data types of the variables?

Option 1 using base functions

  • on the whole dataset
# What are the data types of the variables? ---------------------------------
str(autism_pids) # integer and character
'data.frame':   704 obs. of  23 variables:
 $ id             : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ A1_Score       : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 ...
 $ A2_Score       : int  1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ A3_Score       : int  1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 ...
 $ A4_Score       : int  1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ...
 $ A5_Score       : int  0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 ...
 $ A6_Score       : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...
 $ A7_Score       : int  1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 ...
 $ A8_Score       : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 ...
 $ A9_Score       : int  0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 ...
 $ A10_Score      : int  0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 ...
 $ age            : int  26 24 27 35 40 36 17 64 29 17 ...
 $ gender         : chr  "f" "m" "m" "f" ...
 $ ethnicity      : chr  "White-European" "Latino" "Latino" "White-European" ...
 $ jaundice       : chr  "no" "no" "yes" "no" ...
 $ autism         : chr  "no" "yes" "yes" "yes" ...
 $ contry_of_res  : chr  "United States" "Brazil" "Spain" "United States" ...
 $ used_app_before: chr  "no" "no" "no" "no" ...
 $ result         : int  6 5 8 6 2 9 2 5 6 8 ...
 $ age_desc       : chr  "18 and more" "18 and more" "18 and more" "18 and more" ...
 $ relation       : chr  "Self" "Self" "Parent" "Self" ...
 $ Class_ASD      : chr  "NO" "NO" "YES" "NO" ...
 $ pids           : chr  "PatientID_1" "PatientID_2" "PatientID_3" "PatientID_4" ...

Option 1 using base functions (cont.)

  • on specific columns
# What values can the variables take? ---------------------------------
   Length     Class      Mode 
      704 character character 
length(unique(autism_pids$pids)) # N unique values
[1] 704
sum($pids)) # N missing values
[1] 0
   Length     Class      Mode 
      704 character character 
length(unique(autism_pids$ethnicity)) # N unique values
[1] 12
sum($ethnicity)) # N missing values
[1] 95

Option 2 using skimr function skim

  • on specific columns
autism_pids %>% 
  skimr::skim(pids, ethnicity) %>%
# A tibble: 2 × 4
  skim_type complete_rate n_missing character.n_unique
  <chr>             <dbl>     <int>              <int>
1 character         1             0                704
2 character         0.865        95                 11

Option 2 using skimr function skim (cont.)

  • on the whole dataset
autism_pids %>% 

── Variable type: character ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
   skim_variable   n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace
 1 gender                  0         1       1   1     0        2          0
 2 ethnicity              95         0.865   5  15     0       11          0
 3 jaundice                0         1       2   3     0        2          0
 4 autism                  0         1       2   3     0        2          0
 5 contry_of_res           0         1       4  20     0       67          0
 6 used_app_before         0         1       2   3     0        2          0
 7 age_desc                0         1      11  11     0        1          0
 8 relation               95         0.865   4  24     0        5          0
 9 Class_ASD               0         1       2   3     0        2          0
10 pids                    0         1      11  13     0      704          0

── Variable type: numeric ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
   skim_variable n_missing complete_rate    mean      sd p0  p25  p50  p75 p100
 1 id                    0         1     352.    203.     1 177. 352. 528.  704
 2 A1_Score              0         1       0.722   0.449  0   0    1    1     1
 3 A2_Score              0         1       0.453   0.498  0   0    0    1     1
 4 A3_Score              0         1       0.457   0.499  0   0    0    1     1
 5 A4_Score              0         1       0.496   0.500  0   0    0    1     1
 6 A5_Score              0         1       0.499   0.500  0   0    0    1     1
 7 A6_Score              0         1       0.284   0.451  0   0    0    1     1
 8 A7_Score              0         1       0.418   0.494  0   0    0    1     1
 9 A8_Score              0         1       0.649   0.478  0   0    1    1     1
10 A9_Score              0         1       0.324   0.468  0   0    0    1     1
11 A10_Score             0         1       0.574   0.495  0   0    1    1     1
12 age                   2         0.997  29.2     9.71  17  21   27   35    64
13 result                0         1       4.88    2.50   0   3    4    7    10

Recoding variables

From character to factor using base R

#### char 2 factor -------------------------------------------------------------
# Say I want to treat some variables as factors
autism_pids$gender <- as.factor(autism_pids$gender)
autism_pids$ethnicity <- as.factor(autism_pids$ethnicity)
autism_pids$contry_of_res <- as.factor(autism_pids$contry_of_res)
autism_pids$relation <- as.factor(autism_pids$relation)

# check 
[1] "factor"
[1] "factor"
[1] "factor"
[1] "factor"

From character to factor using base R (n cols)

autism_pids_temp <- autism_pids # copy df for test 

to_factor <- c("gender", "ethnicity", "contry_of_res", "relation") # vector of col names 
autism_pids_temp[ ,to_factor] <-  lapply(X =  autism_pids[ ,to_factor], FUN = as.factor)

# check 
[1] "factor"
[1] "factor"
[1] "factor"
[1] "factor"
# now I have Variable type: factor

Inspect factors levels (3 different ways)

 [1] "Asian"           "Black"           "Hispanic"        "Latino"         
 [5] "Middle Eastern " "others"          "Others"          "Pasifika"       
 [9] "South Asian"     "Turkish"         "White-European" 
table(autism_pids$ethnicity,useNA = "ifany")

          Asian           Black        Hispanic          Latino Middle Eastern  
            123              43              13              20              92 
         others          Others        Pasifika     South Asian         Turkish 
              1              30              12              36               6 
 White-European            <NA> 
            233              95 

Inspect factors levels – 3 different ways (cont.)

  • using janitor function tabyl, which uses the “pipe” operator %>% which takes the output of a function as input of the next one
janitor::tabyl(autism_pids$ethnicity) %>% 
  adorn_totals() %>% 
 autism_pids$ethnicity   n percent valid_percent
                 Asian 123   17.5%         20.2%
                 Black  43    6.1%          7.1%
              Hispanic  13    1.8%          2.1%
                Latino  20    2.8%          3.3%
       Middle Eastern   92   13.1%         15.1%
                others   1    0.1%          0.2%
                Others  30    4.3%          4.9%
              Pasifika  12    1.7%          2.0%
           South Asian  36    5.1%          5.9%
               Turkish   6    0.9%          1.0%
        White-European 233   33.1%         38.3%
                  <NA>  95   13.5%             -
                 Total 704  100.0%        100.0%

Identify missing values

Use to check if the 95 missing obs are the same missing for ethnicity and relation

which($ethnicity)) # indices of TRUE elements in vector
 [1]   5  13  14  15  20  21  25  26  63  80  81  82  92 217 222 239 258 271 277
[20] 278 286 307 316 325 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351
[39] 352 353 354 355 356 362 366 370 371 373 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387
[58] 388 389 391 396 400 401 402 404 424 428 429 430 433 439 454 486 506 519 528
[77] 535 536 537 538 557 565 572 573 589 594 637 643 646 652 653 659 660 667 702
which($relation))  # indices of TRUE elements in vector
 [1]   5  13  14  15  20  21  25  26  63  80  81  82  92 217 222 239 258 271 277
[20] 278 286 307 316 325 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351
[39] 352 353 354 355 356 362 366 370 371 373 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387
[58] 388 389 391 396 400 401 402 404 424 428 429 430 433 439 454 486 506 519 528
[77] 535 536 537 538 557 565 572 573 589 594 637 643 646 652 653 659 660 667 702

…indeed they are the same IDs!

From character to logical

I may prefer to code a variable as logical. For example, age_desc may be more explicit if coded as logical.

  • I create a new column age_desc_log
# observe a subset of some columns 
autism_subset <- autism_pids [1:5, c("gender","jaundice", "autism","age_desc",
# View(autism_subset)

# recode "age_desc" as LOGICAL new var "age_desc_log"
autism_pids$age_desc_log <- ifelse(autism_pids$age_desc == "18 and more", TRUE, FALSE )
[1] "character"
[1] "logical"

From character to dummy [0,1]

I also may need binary variables expressed as [0,1] (e.g. to incorporate nominal variables into regression analysis). Let’s recode autism.

autism_pids$autism_dummy <- ifelse(autism_pids$autism == 'yes', 1, 0)
[1] "character"
[1] "numeric"

Subsetting the data for further investigation

Recall how to view the names of columns / variables

 [1] "id"              "A1_Score"        "A2_Score"        "A3_Score"       
 [5] "A4_Score"        "A5_Score"        "A6_Score"        "A7_Score"       
 [9] "A8_Score"        "A9_Score"        "A10_Score"       "age"            
[13] "gender"          "ethnicity"       "jaundice"        "autism"         
[17] "contry_of_res"   "used_app_before" "result"          "age_desc"       
[21] "relation"        "Class_ASD"       "pids"            "age_desc_log"   
[25] "autism_dummy"   

using head or tail from utils

  • head or tail return the first or last parts of an object
head(autism_pids)   #return fist 6 obs
tail(autism_pids)   #return last 6 obs

using head or tail from utils (cont.)

head(autism_pids, n = 2) #return fist 2 obs
  id A1_Score A2_Score A3_Score A4_Score A5_Score A6_Score A7_Score A8_Score
1  1        1        1        1        1        0        0        1        1
2  2        1        1        0        1        0        0        0        1
  A9_Score A10_Score age gender      ethnicity jaundice autism contry_of_res
1        0         0  26      f White-European       no     no United States
2        0         1  24      m         Latino       no    yes        Brazil
  used_app_before result    age_desc relation Class_ASD        pids
1              no      6 18 and more     Self        NO PatientID_1
2              no      5 18 and more     Self        NO PatientID_2
  age_desc_log autism_dummy
1         TRUE            0
2         TRUE            1
tail(autism_pids, n = 2) #return last 2 obs
     id A1_Score A2_Score A3_Score A4_Score A5_Score A6_Score A7_Score A8_Score
703 703        1        0        0        1        1        0        1        0
704 704        1        0        1        1        1        0        1        1
    A9_Score A10_Score age gender      ethnicity jaundice autism contry_of_res
703        1         1  35      m    South Asian       no     no      Pakistan
704        1         1  26      f White-European       no     no        Cyprus
    used_app_before result    age_desc relation Class_ASD          pids
703              no      6 18 and more     Self        NO PatientID_703
704              no      8 18 and more     Self       YES PatientID_704
    age_desc_log autism_dummy
703         TRUE            0
704         TRUE            0

Investigating a subset of observations

E.g. I learned that some patients have missing age… how many are they?

# run...
[1] 2
# or 
[1] 2

So, next, I want to ID those patients with missing age.

New df (patients missing age) as SUBSET of the given df

I want to extract only the obs (rows) of interest with a few useful vars (cols)

Option 1) using [] from base

missing_age_subset <- autism_pids[$age), 
                                  c("pids", "age", "autism_dummy") ]
           pids age autism_dummy
63 PatientID_63  NA            0
92 PatientID_92  NA            0

New df (patients missing age) as SUBSET of the given df

I want to extract only the obs (rows) of interest with a few useful vars (cols)

Option 2) using which from base

missing_age_subset2 <- autism_pids[which($age)), 
                                   c("pids", "age", "autism_dummy")] 
           pids age autism_dummy
63 PatientID_63  NA            0
92 PatientID_92  NA            0

New df (patients missing age) as SUBSET of the given df

I want to extract only the obs (rows) of interest with a few useful vars (cols)

Option 3) using subset from base

# arguments allow me to specify rows and cols 
missing_age_subset3 <- subset(x = autism_pids, 
                              subset =$age), # 1 logical condition
                              select = c("pids", "age", "autism_dummy") # which cols
           pids age autism_dummy
63 PatientID_63  NA            0
92 PatientID_92  NA            0

New df (filtering on 2 conditions) as SUBSET of the given df

Option 1) using base::subset

# Creates a SUBSET based on MORE conditions (`age` and `ethnicity`)
twocond_base_subset <- subset(x = autism_pids, 
                       # 2 logical conditions      
                       subset = age < 25 & contry_of_res == "Brazil", 
                       # pick a few cols 
                       select = c("pids", "age", "contry_of_res",

             pids age contry_of_res autism_dummy
2     PatientID_2  24        Brazil            1
54   PatientID_54  21        Brazil            1
94   PatientID_94  19        Brazil            1
429 PatientID_429  20        Brazil            0
587 PatientID_587  21        Brazil            0
588 PatientID_588  21        Brazil            0

New df (filtering on 2 conditions) as SUBSET of the given df

Option 2) using dplyr (filter + select)

Switching to the package dplyr and embracing the “pipe” (%>%) operator logic, in which the filtering (rows) and selecting (columns) is done in sequence

## here the filtering (rows) and selecting (columns) is done in sequence
twocond_dplyr_subset <- autism_pids %>% 
  dplyr::filter(age < 25 & contry_of_res == "Brazil") %>%  # which rows
  dplyr::select (pids, age, contry_of_res, autism_dummy)   # which cols

           pids age contry_of_res autism_dummy
1   PatientID_2  24        Brazil            1
2  PatientID_54  21        Brazil            1
3  PatientID_94  19        Brazil            1
4 PatientID_429  20        Brazil            0
5 PatientID_587  21        Brazil            0
6 PatientID_588  21        Brazil            0

Dealing with missing data

Input values where missing

⚠️ WARNING︎: This is a very delicate & substantial step ⚠️

  • any modified/imputed data (beyond the original collection) can affect subsequent analysis and statistical modeling
  • it will be necessary to document and justify whichever approach is used to deal with missing data.

    Let’s assume we can get the missing data by cross-checking related clinical information
# 1/2 create a new variable 
autism_pids$age_inputed <- autism_pids$age
# 2/2 replace value (presumably taken from other source) of `aged_inputed` 
  # CONDITIONAL on `pids`
autism_pids$age_inputed[autism_pids$pids == "PatientID_63"] <-  65
autism_pids$age_inputed[autism_pids$pids == "PatientID_92"] <-  45

# check
[1] 2
[1] 0


Summarizing all variables

Try these 2 options:





Notice summary different behavior according to the variable’s type

The function’s results depend on the class of the object

  • look at the output in case of integer (e.g. A1_Score)
summary(autism_pids$A1_Score)     # min, max quartiles, mean, median
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.0000  0.0000  1.0000  0.7216  1.0000  1.0000 
  • look at the output in case of factor (e.g. ethnicity)
summary(autism_pids$ethnicity)    # counts of levels' frequency (included NA!)
          Asian           Black        Hispanic          Latino Middle Eastern  
            123              43              13              20              92 
         others          Others        Pasifika     South Asian         Turkish 
              1              30              12              36               6 
 White-European            NA's 
            233              95 

Notice summary different behavior according to the variable’s type (cont.)

  • look at the output in case of logical (e.g. age_desc_log)
summary(autism_pids$age_desc_log) # counts of TRUE 
   Mode    TRUE 
logical     704 

Frequency distributions with table

  • Frequency distributions can be used for nominal, ordinal, or interval/ration variables

  f   m 
337 367 
table(autism_pids$age) # automatically drops missing...

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 
18 31 35 46 49 37 37 34 27 28 31 24 27 30 21 18 16 12 17 13 17 13  7 16  3 15 
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 64 
11 10  4  6  8  4  3  5  1  5  6  2  6  2  2  1  1  2  1 
table(autism_pids$age, useNA = "ifany") #...unless specified

  17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32 
  18   31   35   46   49   37   37   34   27   28   31   24   27   30   21   18 
  33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48 
  16   12   17   13   17   13    7   16    3   15   11   10    4    6    8    4 
  49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   58   59   60   61   64 <NA> 
   3    5    1    5    6    2    6    2    2    1    1    2    1    2 

Cross tabulation with table (2 vars)

  • Cross tabulation
table(autism_pids$gender, autism_pids$age_inputed)
    17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
  f  7 11 22 22 18 14 17 10 11 14 18 15 16 13  8 14  6  7 12  7 11  6  5  9  0
  m 11 20 13 24 31 23 20 24 16 14 13  9 11 17 13  4 10  5  5  6  6  7  2  7  3
    42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 64 65
  f  6  5  4  5  4  3  2  2  2  0  2  4  1  1  0  1  0  1  1  0  0
  m  9  6  6  0  2  5  2  1  3  1  3  2  1  5  2  1  1  0  1  1  1
table(autism_pids$ethnicity, autism_pids$autism_dummy)
                    0   1
  Asian           118   5
  Black            38   5
  Hispanic         12   1
  Latino           12   8
  Middle Eastern   83   9
  others            1   0
  Others           28   2
  Pasifika         10   2
  South Asian      34   2
  Turkish           5   1
  White-European  183  50

Grouping and summarizing with base R

E.g. I want to know the average age of men and women sub-groups.

Option 1) using by

# by(data$column, data$grouping_column, mean)
by(data = autism_pids$age_inputed, INDICES = autism_pids$gender, FUN = mean)
autism_pids$gender: f
[1] 29.60237
autism_pids$gender: m
[1] 28.98365

Grouping and summarizing with base R

Using functions from the apply() family (sapply, lapply, tapply):

  • All of these functions allow us to iterate over a data structure, (a list, a matrix, an array, a DataFrame, etc.) and perform the same operation at each element.

Option 2) using tapply

(to apply a function to subsets of a vector where subsets are defined by some other vector, usually a factor)

# i.e. apply a function to subsets of a vector or array, split by one or more factors.
tapply(X = autism_pids$age_inputed, INDEX = autism_pids$gender, FUN = mean)
       f        m 
29.60237 28.98365 

Option 3) using split + sapply

(it returns a vector)

# sapply(split(data$column, data$grouping_column), mean)
sapply(X = split(autism_pids$age_inputed, autism_pids$gender),FUN = mean) # returns a vector
       f        m 
29.60237 28.98365 

Grouping and summarizing with dplyr

Using functions from the dplyr() package which “concatenates” each step

autism_pids %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(gender) %>% 
  dplyr::summarise(mean(age_inputed))  # returns a dataframe!
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  gender `mean(age_inputed)`
  <fct>                <dbl>
1 f                     29.6
2 m                     29.0

I could add more statistics to the grouped summary…

autism_pids %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(gender) %>% 
  dplyr::summarise(mean_age = mean(age_inputed),  
                   N_obs = n(), 
                   N_with_autism = sum(autism_dummy == 1)
# A tibble: 2 × 4
  gender mean_age N_obs N_with_autism
  <fct>     <dbl> <int>         <int>
1 f          29.6   337            54
2 m          29.0   367            37

Measures of central tendency

Mean and median

Recall that:

Population MEAN \(\mu=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n x_{i}}n\)
Sample MEAN \(\bar{x}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n x_{i}}n\)


For uneven \(n\): \(Mdn = \frac{x_{(n+1)}}2\)

For even \(n\): \(Mdn = \frac{x_{(n/2)} + x_{(n/2+1)}}2\)

Mean/Median using base R

  • Using age (original variable)
    • You must specify the argument na.rm = TRUE or the functions won’t work!
## Using `age` (original variable) 
[1] NA
[1] NA
# specify to omit NA observations 
mean(autism_pids$age, na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 29.20655
median(autism_pids$age, na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 27
  • Using age_inputed to see what inputed missing values did
## Using `age_inputed` to see what inputed missing values did 
[1] 29.27983
[1] 27

Create custom function to calculate statistical mode 1/2

R doesn’t have a built-in function for the statistical mode, so we can create a custom one: f_calc_mode

Define the custom function

f_calc_mode  <- function(x) { 
  # `unique` returns a vector of unique values 
  uni_x <- unique(x)  
  # `match` returns the index positions of 1st vector against 2nd vector
  match_x <- match(x, uni_x)
  # `tabulate` count the occurrences of integer values in a vector.
  tab_x  <-  tabulate(match_x) 
  # returns element of uni_x that corresponds to max occurrences
  uni_x[tab_x == max(tab_x)]

Create custom function to calculate statistical mode 2/2

Call the custom function

[1] 21
[1] 21
[1] White-European
11 Levels: Asian Black Hispanic Latino Middle Eastern  others ... White-European

Measures of variability (or spread)

Variance and Standard deviation

Population Variance \[\sigma^2 = \frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_i - \mu)^2} {n}\]
Sample Variance \[s^2 =\frac{\sum{(x_i-\bar{x})^2}}{n-1}\] Population Standard deviation \[\sigma = \sqrt{\frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x_i - \mu)^2} {n}}\] Sample Standard deviation
\[s = \sqrt\frac{\sum{(x_i-\bar{x})^2}}{n-1}\]

Variance and Standard deviation using base R

  • Important to specify the argument na.rm = TRUE or the functions won’t work (or use the age_inputed variable)
var(autism_pids$age, na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 94.28966
[1] 96.19328
sd(autism_pids$age, na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 9.710286
[1] 9.807817


Introducing R package ggplot2 for graphics

ggplot2 provides a set of tools to map data to visual elements on a plot, to specify the kind of plot you want, and then subsequently to control the fine details of how it will be displayed. It basically allows to build a plot layer by layer (Figure 2).

  • data -> specify what the dataset is
  • aesthetic mappings (or just aesthetics) -> specify which dataset’s variables will turn into the plot elements (e.g. \(x\) and \(y\) values, or categorical variable into colors, points, and shapes).
  • geom -> the overall type of plot, e.g. geom_point() makes scatterplots, geom_bar() makes barplots, geom_boxplot() makes boxplots.

Additional (optional) pieces:

  • information about the scales,
  • the labels of legends and axes
  • other guides that help people to read the plot,

R package ggplot2 for graphics (cont.)

a layered approach!

Figure 2: ggplot2 layers Source: Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel’ Data Viz class

Save some colors (for customizing plots)

  • Colors are defined in the form of Hexadecimal color values
two_col_palette <-  c("#9b2339", "#005ca1")

contrast_cols_palette <- c("#E7B800","#239b85", "#85239b", "#9b8523","#23399b",
                "#d8e600", "#0084e6", "#399B23", "#e60066",
                "#00d8e6", "#e68000")

Distribution of continuous var


Histograms (and density plots) are often used to show the distribution of a continuous variable.

  • Option 1) data inside the ggplot() function
ggplot(data = autism_pids, mapping = aes(x=age_inputed)) + 
  geom_histogram() + 
  • Option 2) data before the pipe %>%
autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = age_inputed )) + 
  geom_histogram() + 


… define bin width

Histograms split the data into ranges (bins) and show the number of observations in each. Hence, it’s important to pick widths that represents the data well.

  • The default value is 30
  • We can change it using the argument bins = #
autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = age_inputed )) + 
  # specify to avoid warning if we fail to specify the number of bins 
  geom_histogram(bins=40) + 

… define bin width

… add mean and std dev vertical lines

  • using geom_vline() to add a vertical line for the mean, and the range between -1 and +1 sd from the mean.
  • using annotate() for adding small annotations (such as text labels)
autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = age_inputed )) + 
  geom_histogram(bins=40) + 
  # add mean vertical line
  geom_vline(xintercept = mean(autism_pids$age_inputed),
             na.rm = FALSE,
             color="#9b2339") +
  # add annotations with the mean value
           x = mean(autism_pids$age_inputed) * 1.2, # coordinates for positioning
           y = mean(autism_pids$age_inputed) * 2.5,
           label = paste("Mean =", round(mean(autism_pids$age_inputed), digits = 2)),
           col = "#9b2339",
           size = 4)+
  # add also sd +1 and -1 
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = mean(autism_pids$age_inputed) + sd(autism_pids$age_inputed)), 
             color = "#000000", size = 1, linetype = "dashed") +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = mean(autism_pids$age_inputed) - sd(autism_pids$age_inputed)), 
             color = "#000000", size = 1, linetype = "dashed") +

… add mean and std dev vertical lines

Density plot

  • specifying x (the continuous variable)
  • using geom_density(), in which we
autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = age_inputed)) +

Density plot

Density plot (cont.)

  • specifying shape colors with the arguments inside geom_density(...)
  • color for the line color
  • fill for area color
  • alpha to specify the degree of transparency in the density fill area
autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(aes( x=age_inputed)) +
  geom_density(fill="#85239b", color="#4c4c4c", alpha=0.5)+

Density plot (cont.)

… increase # of x-axis ticks

  • specifying the amount of breaks inside scale_x_continuous()
autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(aes( x=age_inputed)) +
  geom_density(fill="#85239b", color="#4c4c4c", alpha=0.5)+
  theme_bw() + 
  # increase number of x axis ticks 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(10, 100,5 ), limits = c(16, 86))

… increase # of x-axis ticks

Distribution of continuous var split by categorical var

Histograms with fill = category

  1. indicate the categorical group as fill = in the aesthetic mapping
  2. specify custom colors for each group:
  • use scale_color_manual() for changing line color
  • use scale_fill_manual() for changing area fill colors.
autism_pids %>% 
  # specifying `fill` = gender
  ggplot(mapping = aes(x = age_inputed, fill = gender )) + 
  geom_histogram(bins=40) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#e07689","#57b7ff")) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#9b2339","#005ca1")) +

Histograms with fill = category

… shifting bars by group

  • using the specification position = 'dodge' inside geom_histogram()
# trying to improve readability 
autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(mapping = aes(x = age_inputed, fill = gender )) + 
  # bars next to each other with `position = 'dodge'`
  geom_histogram(bins=40, position = 'dodge')  + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#e07689","#57b7ff")) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#9b2339","#005ca1")) +

… shifting bars by group

…facet by gender

That’s still not very easy to digest. Instead of only filling, you can separate the data into multiple plots to improve readability

  • adding facet_wrap() with the the specification of ~categ_var
  • also ncol = 1 requires the subplot to be in 1 column
autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = age_inputed, fill = gender )) + 
  geom_histogram(color="#e9ecef", alpha=0.8, position = 'dodge') + 
  theme_bw() + 
  # splitting the gender groups, specifying `ncol` to see one above the other
  facet_wrap(~gender, ncol = 1)  + 
  scale_fill_cyclical(values = c("#9b2339","#005ca1"))

…facet by gender

… adding 2 mean/median vert lines (by gender)

I want to see the mean vertical line for each of the subgroups, but in this case, I need to create a small dataframe of summary statistics (group_stats).

I do so by using dplyr add a column mean_age with the group mean

group_stats <- autism_pids %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(gender) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(mean_age = mean(age_inputed),
                   median_age = median (age_inputed)) 

# A tibble: 2 × 3
  gender mean_age median_age
  <fct>     <dbl>      <dbl>
1 f          29.6         28
2 m          29.0         26

(Small digression on tidyr::pivot_longer)

The new small dataframe group_stats offers an example of reshaping, i.e. turning a table from a “wide” form (with each variable in its own column) to a “long” form (one column for both the measures names and another for both the measures values).

  • This can be done using tidyr::pivot_longer function, where these arguments must be specified:
    • cols: The names of the columns to pivot
    • names_to: The name for the new character column
    • values_to: The name for the new values column
group_stats_long <- group_stats %>% 
  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = mean_age:median_age, 
                      names_to = "Stat", 
                      values_to = "Value") %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(label = as.character(glue::glue("{gender}_{Stat}")))

# A tibble: 4 × 4
  gender Stat       Value label       
  <fct>  <chr>      <dbl> <chr>       
1 f      mean_age    29.6 f_mean_age  
2 f      median_age  28   f_median_age
3 m      mean_age    29.0 m_mean_age  
4 m      median_age  26   m_median_age

…facet by gender + vert lines by group

Notice that now the plot will have 2 data sources:

  • autism_pids
  • group_stats_long
autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = age_inputed, fill = gender)) + 
  # geom_histogram from dataframe 1
  geom_histogram(bins=30,color="#e9ecef", alpha=0.8, position = 'dodge') + 
  facet_wrap(~gender, ncol = 1) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#9b2339","#005ca1"))  +
  # geom_vline from dataframe 2
  geom_vline(data = group_stats_long, 
             mapping = aes(xintercept = Value, color = Stat),
             linetype=1) + 
  scale_color_manual(values = c( "#f0a441" , "#d8cf71")) +

…facet by gender + vert lines by group

… finishing touches

  • using labs() and theme() layers
hist_plot <- autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = age_inputed, fill = gender)) + 
  # geom_histogram from dataframe 1
  geom_histogram(bins=30,color="#e9ecef", alpha=0.8, position = 'dodge') + 
  facet_wrap(~gender, ncol = 1) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#9b2339","#005ca1"))  +
  # geom_vline from dataframe 2
  geom_vline(data = group_stats_long, 
             mapping = aes(xintercept = Value, color = Stat),
             linetype=6) + 
  scale_color_manual(values = c( "#e68000", "#d8cf71")) +
  # increase number of x axis ticks 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(10, 100,10 ), limits = c(10,70)) +
  # Additional theme details 
  labs(x = "age brackets", y = "n of individuals",
       color = "Stats",
       title = "Distribution of observations by gender",
       subtitle = "",
       caption = "Source: Thabtah,Fadi (2017)") +
  theme(legend.position = "right",
        plot.title = element_text(face = "bold")) 

… finishing touches

Density ggridges package

As an alternative, you can use the ggridges package to make ridge plots. The geom geom_density_ridges calculates density estimates from the provided data and then plots those, using the ridgeline visualization. In this case plots include a vertical median line.

autism_pids %>% 
  # this takes also `y` = group
  ggplot(aes(x=age_inputed, y = gender, fill = gender)) +
  ggridges::geom_density_ridges() +
  # I can add quantile lines (2 is the median)
  stat_density_ridges(quantile_lines = TRUE, quantiles = c(0.5), alpha = 0.75)+  
  # increase number of x axis ticks 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(10, 100,10 ), limits = c(16, 86)) + 
  scale_fill_cyclical(values = c("#9b2339","#005ca1")) + 

Density ggridges package


Bar charts provide a visual presentation of categorical data, with geom_bar() (height of the bar proportional to the number of cases in each group)

Figure 3: Difference barchart v. histogram Source:

Barchart (cont.)

# Let's take a variable that we recoded as `factor`
[1] "factor"
#### ... no formatting ---------------------------------- 
autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = ethnicity )) + 
  geom_bar() +   

…improve theme

autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = ethnicity )) + 
  geom_bar(fill = "steelblue") +
  # reference line  
  geom_hline(yintercept=100, color = "#9b2339", size=0.5, ) +
  # labels, title, etc 
  labs(x = "ethnicity", y = "n of individuals",
       color = "Stats",
       title = "Distribution of observations by ethnicity",
       subtitle = "",
       caption = "Autism study")  +
  theme_bw() +
  # specification son axis labels
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=50, vjust=0.75), 
        axis.text.y = element_text(size=10,face="bold"))

…improve theme

…improve readability (reorder bars)

Reordering the bars by count using the package forcats and its function fct_infreq

  • (which we can do because ethnicity was recoded as factor)
autism_pids %>% 
    # we modify our x like so 
    ggplot(aes(x = forcats::fct_infreq(ethnicity ))) + 
    geom_bar(fill = "steelblue") +
    geom_hline(yintercept=100, color = "#9b2339", size=0.5, ) +
    labs(x = "ethnicity", y = "n of individuals",
         color = "Stats",
         title = "Distribution of observations by ethnicity",
         subtitle = "",
         caption = "Autism study")  +
    # --- wrap long x labels (flipped ) !!!
    #  scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x) stringr::str_wrap(x, width = 10)) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=50, vjust=0.75), 
          axis.text.y = element_text(size=10,face="bold"))  

…improve readability (reorder bars)

…improve readability (highlight NA)

Let’s highlight the fact that the last column (NA) represents missing values.

  1. Create the highlight variable
  2. Map color to a variable (fill = highlight)

…improve readability (highlight NA) code

autism_pids %>%
  ## --- prep the dataframe 
  dplyr::mutate(# Add a factor variable with two levels
    highlight = forcats::fct_other(ethnicity, 
                                   keep = "NA", 
                                   other_level = "All Groups")) %>% 
  ## --- now plot 
  # In `aes mapping` we map color to a variable (`fill = highlight`)
  ggplot(aes(x = forcats::fct_infreq(ethnicity), fill = highlight)) + 
  # Use custom color palettes
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#0084e6")) +
  # Add a line at a significant level 
  geom_hline(yintercept=100, color = "#9b2339", size=0.5, ) +
  theme_bw() +
  # make some more theme specifications  
  labs(x = "ethnicity", y = "n of individuals",
       color = "Stats",
       title = "Distribution of observations by ethnicity",
       subtitle = "",
       caption = "Autism study")  +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=50, vjust=0.75), 
        axis.text.y = element_text(size=10,face="bold"))  +
  theme(legend.position = "none") 

…improve readability (highlight NA) code


The boxplot is one of the simplest ways of representing a distribution of a continuous variable and it is packed with information. It consists of two parts:

  • Box — Extending from the 1st to the 3rd quartile (Q1 to Q3) with a line in the middle that represents the median.
  • Whiskers — Lines extending from both ends of the box (minimum/maximum whisker values are calculated as Q1/Q3 -/+ 1.5 * IQR)
  • Everything outside is represented as an outlier

Figure 4: Boxplot Source:

Boxplot example 1

Let’s use a boxplot to explore how the continuous variable result is distributed in the autism dataset.

  • in the aesthetic mapping we specify only x (continuous variable)
  • switch to vertical orientation with coord_flip()
autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = result )) +
  # switch to vertical orientation
  coord_flip() +

Boxplot example 1

Boxplot example 2

Let’s also explore how the continuous variable result is distributed by the categorical variable (factor) ethnicity.

  • in the aesthetic mapping we specify y (continuous variable), plus x and fill (categorical variable)
  • make x axis labels readable with theme(axis.text.x (...)) layer
  • I specify colors that I had previously saved in a color palette contrast_cols_palette
autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = ethnicity,  y= result, fill = ethnicity)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values =  contrast_cols_palette)   +
  # make x axis labes readable
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=50, vjust=0.75)) +
  # drop legend and Y-axis title
  theme(legend.position = "none") 

Boxplot example 2

Violin plot

Similarly, the violin plot is an interesting alternative to show the distribution of a continuous variable along one or more categorical variables. Here, the kernel density plot shows the smoothed curve of the probability density function (PDF) of the data.

Compared to the box plot, a violin plot provides more information, as it shows not only the summary statistics but also the shape and variability of the data (i.e. helping to identify any skewness or multimodality in the data).

Violin plot example

  • it requires the geom_violin function
  • it can be enriched by adding with other geoms, such as points, lines, or box plots, to create more complex and informative plots
  • let’s add points with the geom_point layer
autism_pids %>% 
  ggplot(mapping = aes(y = age_inputed, x = ethnicity, fill = ethnicity)) +
  geom_violin(alpha=0.5) +
  geom_point(position = position_jitter(width = 0.1), size = 0.5)+ 
  scale_fill_manual(values =  contrast_cols_palette)  +
  # make x axis labes readable
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=50, vjust=0.75)) +
  # drop legend and Y-axis title
  theme(legend.position = "none") 

Violin plot example


Saving one plot

If I want to use these output files later, I can easily save in the output folder created at the beginning.

  • save a plot with ggplot2::ggsave
  • specifying the output directory with here::here(...)
ggsave (hist_plot, 
        filename = here::here("practice",  "data_output", "hist_plot.png"))

Saving a .Rds data file.

  • save a dataframe with base::saveRDS
  • specifying the output directory with here::here(...)
saveRDS (object = autism_pids, 
         file =  here::here("practice",  "data_output", "autism_pids_v2.Rds"))

# to load it later I will use 
readRDS(here::here("practice",  "data_output", "autism_pids_v2.Rds")) 

Final thoughts/recommendations

  • Always read the documentation (?package::function, especially the examples at the bottom)

  • Always inspect the data / variables before and after making changes

  • It is advisable to rename (i.e. create a new R object) when you recode/manipulate a variable or a dataset

    • this promotes reproducibility, since you(or others) will be able to retrace your coding steps
  • Always plot distributions for visual data exploration

  • Make changes in small increments (like we saw in building ggplot2 graph in subsequent layers)